Category: News
FACIL-ICT visual novel – “The Amanda Story”.
PHOTOS – FACIL-ICT Workshop and development activities in Nsawam and Suhum municipalities in Ghana

workshop attendants

FACIL-ICT Workshop and development activities |23-28 April 2023
The Centre for Planning and Evaluation of Social Services (ZPE), University of Siegen, (Germany) in collaboration with the Nsawam-Adoagyiri and Suhum Municipal Assemblies is organizing a one-day stakeholder meeting in Nsawam to discuss the implementation and sustainability procedures of the suggested FACIL-ICT project results. In attendance will include the under-listed officials from the Nsawam-Adoagyiri and Suhum Municipal Assemblies.
- The municipal coordinating director (MCD) – Nsawam
- The municipal coordinating director (MCD) – Suhum
- The district planning officer – Nsawam & Suhum
- The MIS officer – Nsawam & Suhum
- The social welfare coordinator – Nsawam & Suhum
- The community development officer – Nsawam & Suhum
- The community health officer – Nsawam & Suhum
- A community-based organization (CSO) – Nsawam & Suhum
- A representative of PLWDs – Nsawam & Suhum
FACIL-ICT co-design workshop | ZPE-university of Siegen | 2-3 December 2022FACIL-ICT co-design workshop | ZPE-university of Siegen | 2-3 December 2022 FACIL-ICT co-design workshop | ZPE-university of Siegen | 2-3 December 2022 FACIL-ICT co-design workshop | ZPE-university of Siegen | 2-3 December 2022 FACIL-ICT co-design workshop | ZPE-university of Siegen | 2-3 December 2022 FACIL-ICT co-design workshop | ZPE-university of Siegen | 2-3 December 2022 FACIL-ICT co-design workshop | ZPE-university of Siegen | 2-3 December 2022 FACIL-ICT co-design workshop | ZPE-university of Siegen | 2-3 December 2022 FACIL-ICT co-design workshop | ZPE-university of Siegen | 2-3 December 2022 FACIL-ICT co-design workshop | ZPE-university of Siegen | 2-3 December 2022 FACIL-ICT co-design workshop | ZPE-university of Siegen | 2-3 December 2022 FACIL-ICT co-design workshop | ZPE-university of Siegen | 2-3 December 2022 FACIL-ICT co-design workshop | ZPE-university of Siegen | 2-3 December 2022 FACIL-ICT co-design workshop | ZPE-university of Siegen | 2-3 December 2022
FACIL-ICT co-design workshop | University of Siegen | 2-3 December 2022
The Centre for Planning and Development of Social Services (ZPE) is organizing a two-day co-design workshop on 2nd-3rd December 2022 at the Fab-Lab University of Siegen, Germany. The workshop aims at creating concrete solutions for digital platforms and other ICT-based applications to improve communication between local government functionaries and community members in Ghanaian rural communities. As a follow-up to the previous workshop in Nsawam, Ghana on 28 Sept. 2022 the event refers to four thematic areas: Youth, Health, Disability, and Citizen participation to develop a web-based or interactive medium of communication, e.g., FAQ system, generic and localized information tools, E-Mail counseling, direct expert counseling, chat rooms, self-assessment systems, quiz, games, etc. Accordingly, the workshop will be virtually joined by Ghanaian experts from the partner districts of Nsawam-Adoagyiri and Suhum in Ghana.
FACIL-ICT Co-creation Workshop | September 29-30, 2022 | 10:00am – 2:30pm
Venue: Conference Hall of Country Lodge – Nsawam
The Centre for Planning and Evaluation of Social Services (ZPE), University of Siegen, (Germany) in collaboration with the Nsawam-Adoagyiri and Suhum Municipal Assemblies is organizing a two-day workshop to co-create practical suggestions that are compatible with local structures for more innovative ways of improving communication between the Municipal Assembly and Community Members through Information Communication Technology (ICT).
In attendance will include the under-listed officials from the Nsawam-Adoagyiri and Suhum Municipal Assemblies.
- Municipal Coordinating Director
- Social welfare and Community Development officer
- Development Planning officer
- Municipal ICT coordinator
- Municipal Health officer
- Municipal LEAP coordinator/Disability common fund desk officer
- CSOs (Community-Based Civil Society Organizations)
- Ghana Federation of Disability (GFD)
Wir laden ein!
Studentische Erfahrungen mit empirischer Forschung in ländlichen Regionen Ghanas für Bachelorarbeiten im Studiengang Soziale Arbeit
Wann : Mittwoch 11. Mai 2022, 16 – 18 Uhr
Wo : ZPE-Besprechungsraum (H C 7329)
Wer : Max Münker, Leon Negraßus, Lina Pieper, Sümeyra Sarikoc.
Was: in den vergangenen Monaten haben vier Studierende jeweils 14-tägige Forschungsaufenthalte in den ghanaischen Distrikten Suhum und Nsawam absolviert und dabei zahlreiche Interviews mit Jugendlichen dazu geführt. Von Interesse war die Frage, wie Smartphones und Handys genutzt werden und welche Bedeutung diese Geräte im Alltag der befragten Jugendlichen haben. Die Aufenthalte wurden im Rahmen des ZPEForschungsprojekts FACIL-ICT Ghana finanziert und von örtlichen Kooperationspartner begleitet. Bei den Interviews wurden die Siegener Studierenden von den örtlichen Sozialdiensten unterstützt. Dadurch erhielten sie wichtige Zugänge zu Interviewpartner*innen auch in kleineren Dörfern und konnten in vielerlei Hinsicht wertvolle Erfahrungen machen. Diese Erfahrungen sollen bei der Veranstaltung vorgestellt und im Hinblick auf weitere mögliche Aufenthalte anderer Studierender ausgewertet werden.
Nähere Info zum AK-EZ: Omar Zakanda
Validation workshop
Validation workshops were held at the halls of the Nsawam and Suhum municipal assemblies to ensure that relevant stakeholders are informed of interim results of data collected. It provided the avenue for discussing interim results and getting feedback from stakeholders to verify the accuracy of data findings. Present at the validation workshop were key stakeholders including the Municipal coordinating director, social welfare, planning, disability desk officers, ICT coordinators, assembly members, representatives of community-based organizations, traditional authorities, and heads of households.