This picture show Dr. Efua Esaaba Agyire-Tettey

Dr Efua Esaaba Agyire-Tettey

is lecturer at the Department of Social Work, University of Ghana. She holds Bachelor of Arts degree and Master of Philosophy in social work from the University of Ghana (Legon), Master’s Degree in Conflict, Peace and Security from KAIPTC and PhD from the University of Siegen, Germany. She has many years of experience in research, teaching and providing services to government and non-government organization. She has collaborated with universities abroad as the lead researcher. Her area of specialties in research includes Disability Issues, social protection, family welfare, human rights, violence and conflict management.
She has been part of Centre for Environmental Research Policy Analysis (CERPA) as a senior research advisor. Efua is the Ghanaian coordinator of LICOT-WASO.

She also has experience and interest in health and gender issues and the general discipline of humanities. She has been an affiliate of the Centre for Gender and Advocacy Studies (CEGENSA) at the University of Ghana. She is a strong advocate for vulnerable people in the society and she finds space for fostering community awareness campaigns and environmental education in Ghana.

Lars Wissenbach, M.A.

is a research associate at the Centre for Planning and Evaluation of Social Services (ZPE) at the University of Siegen. He coordinates the ZPE research cluster ‘International Cooperation – Social Inclusion – Social Services’, working on systems and structures of social protection and social services in the context of social inclusion. His particular research activities focus on disability and social protection in the Global South and the field of international cooperation, focusing on actors, structures and planning processes at the local level in interaction with regional, national and international structures.

Before joining ZPE in 2016, Lars has worked as a policy advisor on disability inclusion with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). Promoting disability rights in the field of international cooperation, he has worked with multilateral, regional and bilateral institutions including the African Union Commission and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Lars is the German coordinator of LICOT-WASO.

This picture show Lars Wissenbach, M.A.
This picture shows of Prof. Dr. Charlotte Wrigley-Asante

Prof. Dr Charlotte Wrigley-Asante

is an Associate Professor at the Department of Geography and Resource Development, University of Ghana. She is also the current Director of the Centre for Gender Studies and Advocacy (CEGENSA) at the same University.

Her research areas include gender, poverty and empowerment issues; gender and urban livelihoods focusing specifically on cross-border traders. She has been involved in several projects including exploring Crime and Poverty Nexus in Urban Ghana with funding from the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) as part of Safe and Inclusive Cities (SAIC) Initiative.

Prof. Dr Johannes Schädler

is the managing director of the Centre for Planning and Evaluation of Social Services (ZPE) at the University of Siegen.

He teaches in programs of social work at the University of Siegen. His research focuses on participation research, integrated social planning, European comparative research in disability services and the development of social services in the field of international development cooperation.

This picture shows doctor johannes schaedler-director of zpe
This picture shows Dr. Abena Oforiwaa Ampomah

Dr Abena Oforiwaa Ampomah

is lecturer at the Department of Social Work, University of Ghana. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from University of Ghana (Legon), and Master of Social Work from the Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. A Master’s Degree in Conflict, Peace, and Security from KAIPTC and a PhD from the University Of Botswana. She has many years of experience in research and teaching and providing services to government and non-government organizations.

She has collaborated with universities abroad such as Lehigh university in the US and Centre for Planning and Evaluation of Social Services at the University of Siegen, Germany as researcher. Her areas of specialization in research include school social work, family welfare and gender issues. She also has experience and interest in conflict, peace and security issues and the general discipline of humanities. She has been an affiliate of the Centre for Gender and Advocacy Studies (CEGENSA), University of Ghana. She is a strong advocate for vulnerable people in the society and she finds space for fostering community awareness campaigns and environmental education in Ghana.

Dr Paul Kwaku Larbi Anderson

is a Doctoral Candidate in the field of the Social Sciences and a research assistant at the Centre for Planning and Evaluation of Social Services (ZPE), University of Siegen in Germany.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts in social studies from the University of Education Winneba-Ghana and a Master of Arts degree from the University of Siegen-Germany – M.A. ‘Roads to Democracies’, an interdisciplinary and research-oriented Master of Arts program integrating history, political science, and sociology. His research interest is multidimensional and focuses on the intersection of government and governance practices, management studies and social change.

This picture shows Paul Kwaku Larbi Anderson, M.A.
This picture shows Dr. Kwabena Frimpong-Manso.

Dr Kwabena Frimpong-Manso

is a senior lecturer in the Department of Social Work at the University of Ghana.

His research interest revolves around children and young people in transition to adulthood with a particular focus on those with an experience of alternative care settings and the intersectionality of gender and disability.

Further Members of the Team

  • Prof. Dr. George Owusu
  • Dr. Charles Ackah
  • Dr. Kwame Saka-Manful
  • Anna Boakyewah Bentil
  • Ayine Akolgo
  • Dominic Edem Hotor
  • Esmerlinda Korkor Ofoe
  • Esther Kalua Atujona
  • James Kwabena Bomfeh
  • Kofi Amankwah Asihene
  • Nora Mintah Darko