- Department of Social Work University of Ghana
- Centre for Planning and Evaluation of Social Services (ZPE) University of Siegen.
- Centre for Gender Studies and Advocacy (CEGENSA) University of Ghana
- Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER) University of Ghana

The Department of Social Work is part of school of social science in University of Ghana. The Department of Social Work is the premier social work training institution in the country. The Department aimed to train students to become compete social workers through the provision of high quality educational experiences at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Besides, lecturers and students in the Department conduct cutting edge research on social problems in Ghana and other countries.
Through our training and research we are involved in studies that support issues of exclusion and vulnerability such as social protection and to help develop policies and programs to enhance their wellbeing. The Department prides itself in its services to communities via the services provided by students during field placement. During the field placement, students obtain real-life experiences while working in various governmental and non-governmental community-based agencies throughout the country.
In fulfilment of its mandate, the Department of Social Work has made teaching, research, practicum and extension activities more significant to the development of the needs of the Ghanaian society and the world in general through offering attractive, innovative and demand-driven programmes.

The Centre for Planning and Development of Social Services (ZPE) is an interdisciplinary scientific unit of the University of Siegen. The research centre combines theory development with the development of conceptual and practical approaches in the social sector. ZPE’s activities include theory development, research, consulting and evaluation in the fields of social policy, social services, education as well as health care at local, regional, national, European and international level. The interdisciplinary approach of the centre is based on an interdisciplinary team of scientist from the fields of sociology, social policy, social work, education, psychology as well as architecture and urban planning.

The Centre for Gender Studies and Advocacy (CEGENSA) was set up in 2005 by the University of Ghana Council to promote relevant and high quality research, teaching and learning on gender issues. It was also to ensure that gender equity is enshrined in all aspects of the institutional and intellectual culture of the University and in the Ghanaian society. The core functions of CEGENSA are to: Institutionalise gender as a legitimate business of the University; Coordinate and plan the teaching of courses on gender across the University; Promote research, documentation and dissemination; Provide services and facilities for particularly female staff and students to meet their needs; Promote advocacy and initiate policies on gender in the University; Generate linkages with and provide extension work on gender with key stakeholders in government, NGOs, civil society and the donor community.

Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER)